Wells Magical It Can Overflowing
Wells Magical It Can Overflowing - There is a well in the village Tuhala, Estonia which is only 2.5 meters but can shoot up to hundreds of liters of water, and flooded the surrounding environment.
How could this happen? Apparently the well is located directly above the underground river. When the heavy rains, the water in the river becomes full. Due to the pressure, the water gushing through the well.

In addition, the water that overflows also occur due to snow melting in the spring. This incident does not happen every day, but several times a year. Therefore, many tourists come to see this miracle.
Name of this well: Witch Well, or wells witches. Apparently the locals believed witches Tuhala often hold meetings under the wells. They often make a fuss when assembled, and forgetting the impact to the earth's surface. Finally, the water was overflowing, creating flooding.

Ironic, in 2010 ago there was a mining company wants to change this place so mining. Of course, the wave of protests coming from various directions. Demand support is also distributed via the Internet.
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